Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Little Friends
Okay so I have not been sleeping and this little guy came to visit me and discuss human and insect relations. As he pointed out it is a bit of a one sided conflict actually. He left me with his dance and I believe I have new appreciation for crawly things.
Monday, July 5, 2010
IP 12 Class
Punna Stunt Team Thailand
Well I have been very quiet since the very difficult RED SUMMER. But life goes on. I have been brought into a team of film makers here in Thailand who are truly amazing. I was asked about 6 months ago to write a screen play for Punna the action director of such hits as Ombak, II, III, and many films before that. I wrote a few treatments for him that he turned down for budget reasons, but he liked the style of my visual script writing. Finally we came to my idea about TRUST and he believed in the story enough to want to make it.
We are just getting under way, but the great thing is he is putting together a team of all-star movie makers to do this project. I am just the writer, but he's allowing me to come on board and learn movie making from the best. Here is a video of Punna in action.