Tuesday, November 19, 2013

A graphic novel version of The Journey of the Astropaths series

Free Online Comic Version of the Astropaths

So after a number of young people read my YA modern fantasy novel The Ones Who Hear, the resounding thing I heard was, 'you should turn this into a comic or manga.' I was approached a few years back about doing this and dismissed it at the time, but always thought it would be a great idea. Then I began searching for artists who could bring this series to life. It was difficult and expensive because my artists would come and get into it and we would begin rolling along and then they would either get hired away for more money or have life take away their time. Three artists later I found Mr. Mostafa Zaki. 

Max and I went to work at first on the comic and then we switched to having him illustrate the reprinting of The Ones Who Hear. He really brought to life my characters for the book and I knew as soon as the book was published we needed to start the comic again and get it out there. So here we go. We are simply doing this to spread the story of the Astropaths and let people enjoy. The comic is FREE on line and updating as often as I can find the cash to pay Mr. Zaki.

Here is an example of one of his illustrations.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Movie Analysis opinion and stats episode 1: Annie Hall

Sim on IMBD
The other night I received a call from some mildly frantic film students who were being tested over Woody Allen's classic Annie Hall the next day. They had seen the movie several times, discussed it and yet still felt a lack of confidence -- despite feeling it was great -- in detailing why it was so good. The problem can be when  film has won BEST PICTURE film students and novice film buffs all want to find that it that is in it that makes the film resonate with critics and fans so well. 

Now I hadn't seen Annie Hall in about a decade, but it is not a film I have any trouble pontificating about to anyone who is within ear shot. (sorry couldn't resist the temptation to toss that in) So after a marvelous chat with these future film makers I decided to make Annie Hall the first episode in my Movie analysis opinion and stats. 

So if you are about to face a quiz over this film-instructor favorite, well perhaps I can offer a bit of insight. Of course those students haven't called back so perhaps I offered them more convulsion than hard essay responses. 

Annie Hall is a great film because love is long. Great romances, although in the film industry the hot ones are often a weekend, stand the test of time. People fortunate enough to have loved someone and been loved by someone know how time works on relationships--wears on it and alters it--and yet in film directors shy away from endeavors like time because of the degree of difficulty in making this come across to their viewers. It's why epic films like Gone With The Wind, A River Runs Through It, Forest Gump or Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon are so well respected. Alvy Singer sets out to show us the story of his love with Annie Hall. He is remembering this, probably from a couch in an over paid psychiatrists office, in much the same way we all remember past loves; not with chronology but sporadic bombardments of sense and sentiment.It is the out of sequence style that truly brings this film into it's greatness. We see them falling in love, but already know it won't work as we have been made aware of their recent problems. In a way Woody puts us so deeply into this stories back story and current running struggles that we resist at all cost admitting that Annie is not going to come back across that street and beg to be back with him. She will not come back, they can not get back to that innocent and captivating awkward beginning, because Alvy has changed her, fertilized her growth and now has no more nourishment to offer her. The seed has not only taken root, but taken flight and can not go back to a gardener who is obsessed with death and all it's dreary splendor.  
'What do the lobsters represent?' Okay the moment he has with Annie and the lobsters is the epitome of spontaneity and sparks a romance that will forever change both their lives. In typical man fashion when the women we love leaves us, we go right back to what worked last time i.e. carriage rides, ski trips, French restaurants, ice skating or what have you. Sadly spontaneous joy can not be replicated and what occurs instead is a stagnant failure of over expectation receiving under stimulation. The scene is genius, capturing the loneliest and lowest point of Alvy's broken heart.

Stats: This 1977 film was made for 4 million dollars, won an Oscar for best picture and grossed more than 38 million dollars. I don't give IMBD's ranking all that much credit, but they list it as an 8.1 out of 10.
Sim says SEE THIS MOVIE especially if you will be tested over it or just have any interest in film.   

Artists Process captured on video

I have an amazing artist working with me on World of the Deathstick. Alberto Verdejo is from Chili and loves to create with color. We have been working together now for several months and he put together this video to show me his process in bringing my story to life visually. Comic fans enjoy. 

Thursday, November 14, 2013

www.wotds.com is a FREE online comic by Jonathon Siminoe

In my life there has been stories that I immersed myself in during troubled times. In my rather tumultuous and at times tragic teen years, I lost myself in the fantasy worlds of authors such as Robert Howard, Ray Bradbury, Heinlein, C.S. Louis, Arthur C. Clark, Philip K. Dick, and Tolkien. When I spent a lonely summer in Fort Collins Colorado, just after high school, I took a number of long scribblings from my high school notebooks--notebooks I filled with stories instead of notes--and comprised a hand written (yes we once wrote by pen) novel entitled, THE WORLD OF THE DEATHSTICK.  This 300 plus page effort was thrown in a drawer and seldom thought about during the past twenty five years. But I often thought about the basic concept of this story, a world in which the God of Death gave the world a plant that when picked, dried and rooted, can fire a ball of fire from the seeds within the stock that will stop the heart of anything it touches.

So recently when I began a graphic novel version of my novel The Ones Who Hear. I decided why not breath new life into this old story. My clumsy teenage prose would be better served as a comic book anyway, so I began searching for an artist that would work with me to develop this project.

So I want to give this comic away. I will keep the website up as long as I can afford to and we will add pages every week to continue the story. Please come and ENJOY it free, fantasy and and msg free.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013



The release of The Ones Who Hear is a long story, but in a nut shell I will describe it. About 5 years ago I wrote a book called Those Who Hear which was produced by a publisher here in Bangkok. I was not happy with the cover or the promotion or the over all handling of the book. I waited for contracts to expire and am now proud to reboot this series with The Ones Who Hear as book 1 of a 5 book series called The Journeys of the Astropaths. The story has had a bit of a touch up and most importantly the book has been illustrated by Egyptian artist Mostafa Zaki. He adds 15 illustrations to the story which are truly amazing enhancements of the story.