Friday, November 18, 2016

#Dylan says DON'T THINK TWICE IT'S ALL RIGHT #heartbreak #love #breakups #poetry

A close friend recently said, 'Sim you always move on. Somehow you're always okay.' I believe she was referring to my divorce and recovery from this life crucible. I'm not going to say life doesn't get me down on occasion or more accurately that certain human relations have not disappointed  me  -- hurt, betrayed, humbled or even incinerated to ash my faith in love -- but it is true, I tend to move along. So shall I admit that I have a secret weapon or even explain it? Why not, maybe it will help others who are suffering from the jagged barbs of relationships or from the rather confusing sense of 'what the hell just happened' our hearts scream to our brain. Cause in the end there is no such thing as logic in love or love in logic.
My trick is in this song: DON'T THINK TWICE IT'S ALRIGHT. by Bob Dylan. Forgiveness, acceptance and in the end distance, well that pretty much says it all. The line that always gets me the most is here: 'And there ain't no use in turning on your light babe. I'm on the dark side of the road. But I wish there was something you would do or say, to try and make me change my mind and stay, but we never did too much talking anyway, but don't think twice it's alright.'  If this doesn't sum up post relationships feelings of  'why didn't you' and 'well we never really did' and well 'never mind don't think twice it's okay.'
Genius. Hope it helps the next time you're on the dark side of the road.


I was very proud as an American to see how our King was perceived by outsiders. So many misunderstandings about what a King should be like, but now the world has a model of decency, commitment and love of others that should be held as the new standard for not only those of royal blood, but of anyone who leads a nation.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

DROP BOX the KING of STORAGE #dropbox #harddrivecrash #art #peaceofmind

My artist Alberto is really in distress as his computer hard drive has crashed and with it his loss of creative original art is frustrating and heartbreaking. We've all felt this agony, but one thing to offer you piece of mind is DROP BOX. It works so easily with your computer and gives you peace of mind that work is SAFE. If you already have it, don't forget to use it as your backup. If you don't have it DOWNLOAD from above link to begin safeguarding your dreams and memories now!

Monday, November 14, 2016

THINGLISH at it's FINEST! #Thai #English #Bkk

Simply the best video I've seen to explore, laugh a bit about and enjoy the Thinglish or THAI/ENGLISH accent we hear every day here in BKK. If you are Thai or have lived in Thailand you will ENJOY.

Friday, November 11, 2016

#Comico #deathstick Chapter 5 #Thailand


The battle for the mountain city has begun as the AQUIAN SWARM is in full effect. Our heros will not go lightly. #hero #Deathstick
Click above and enjoy!

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

THE KNIFE MAN #Thaikindness #Thaispirit #Thailand #BKK #Knives

 Sometimes you open the gate to take out the trash and discover a treasure. This gentleman was walking down the street Sunday in front of my house. I asked him what he was doing. He smiled, his eyes warmly expressing his pleasure in my poor attempt at Thai. Shyly he explained he'd come to Bangkok from the north east of Thailand by bus because he didn't have any money. Now he was walking about sharpening knives for 10 baht a blade. I asked him if he had any family and how old he was. Proudly he said he was 73 and it was because he had family he'd come looking for money.
I hired him, but what was very fun is while he sat in my driveway sharpening a couple of knives, other Thai families--noticing his efforts and sympathetic to his plight--walked over bringing him bags of food and fruit. He laughed, weiing everyone who gave him a donation. He told me I'd brought him luck and thanked me many times before walking on to search for further fortunes. My knives have never been sharper.