Well I know this number is not such a big deal, but I feel really good that so many people have dropped into my blog and website to check out my stuff. I put up the counter in late January so I feel sort of encouraged that since then the site has had over 500 unique visits. It took just under 3 months to get 500 so I'm really curious how fast the site gets to 1000. If you have been dropping by now and again, THANK YOU VERY MUCH! Here is a list of topics I'll be babbling about soon: Giks (secret and very special friends), my frustration with why Echo Pool still has no delivery date, agents who were just plane rude, former students who are off in the world and doing JUST FINE. But I will leave off for now because there is a squirrel outside my window who is leaping about from branch to branch and there hasn't been this much action around Satit Kaset IP since the students left for summer break, so I'd better go watch.