Thanks Mike for this clip.
11 years ago I took a stab at publishing with this little book, NOTES FROM MANHATTAN. It is no literary art piece; however, if you enjoy a character whose dreams are crashing down around him, but he still can laugh, you'll enjoy this read.
When the book went out of print some 2 years ago, the publisher gave me the remaining books. I have about 2 boxes of them, but am not sure how many that actually is. My new book ECHO POOL, which is being published by Bangkok Book House, finally has a publication date in August of this year. This book I do feel is a literary piece of art--perhaps not art that everyone will appreciate, but it is written in literary style and is a novel I am extremely proud of.
So to sort of clean out the old, and in truth there can't be that many of the old left, I would like to give away copies of NOTES FROM MANHATTAN to anyone who makes ANY AMOUNT of donation to THAIXPATWRITER. Please consider that if I have to ship the book to you this will cost me a few dollars from either my Mom's home in the states or my home here in Thailand.
So once you have made your donation, send me an email at jonathon@siminoe.com and give me your mailing address. If you have any trouble making a donation contact me.