Friday, September 28, 2007
Burmese courage DESERVES BETTER
I wish I was a PAINTER like Vincent Van Gogh
Or, “The band can really wale, let’s pick up their CD and play it this weekend for the barbeque.”
Words on a page, or rather the worlds being created via those words, are only as accessible as the minds trained upon them. In essence without readers who have the skills to comprehend the vernacular, the intention, the intonations, they are nothing more than ink on a page.
Paintings get a double take, admiration for hours by educated and novice alike. Musicians can turn up the amplifiers and make their point with volume. They get noticed, they get felt, and their art spills out there into the world by means which capture their audience.
For writers, we have nothing without READERS. The world needs more of them.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Last chance for $15 price
I have 5 books left of the original shipment we sent to the United states. I feel bad about this, but the price is going to have to be raised to deal with the ever falling US dollar. When people pay me with their dollars, it doesn't cover the shipping costs from Thailand anymore. I will hold this price for just the next 5 books, and then I will have to raise the price a dollar or two to cover the shipping charges. I am sure most people who wanted the book have got it by now, but if not, act now.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Monday, September 24, 2007
Hey Husker fans, you just witnessed a record setting day on offense from our quarterback. 438 passing yards in a game. How about 322 passing yards in a half. AIR HUSKERS!
So, why do I feel like I just looked into the crystal ball and saw the grim reaper laughing at me? We scored 41 points, and had over 500 yards of total offense. WOW. Could it be, and I'm just guessing here, but the fact that BALL STATE, a team I don't even know if I could find on a map, scored 40?
Fans of the red army, we are in for a DARK SEASON when it comes to our beloved BLACK SHIRTS. The booing at the stadium shows a real lack of class, but I know if I see a horror show I SCREAM!
Imagine what TEXAS or God forbid OU will do to our defense this year if Balls to the wall Ball state can score 40. 3-1, and I think about to have a MELT DOWN.
Perhaps my Nebraska friends, it is time for you to buy a copy of ECHO POOL and curl up with a good book. One that flashes back to a time when Nebraska football meant DOMINATION!
DEFENSE WINS CHAMPIONSHIPS! OFFENSE LOOKS COOL! Find us some PETER brothers, jailed or not, and bring back our BLACK SHIRT PRIDE!
Friday, September 21, 2007
Bangkok Subway
Monday, September 17, 2007
A bit of Grand Palace Magic
I have a great deal of pleasure showing off the cultural arts of Thailand whenever anyone from the West comes here. It is so foreign to them that their reaction some how sparks my own memories of experiencing it for the first time. It's sort of like I steel their excitement and remember my own.
On days like that I try hard not to swear as much at Taxis, idiot Mercedes drivers, or curse the incessant HEAT.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Launching of ECHO POOL web site
This new website can be reached by simply clicking on the TITLE above.
It has been inspiring to hear what Echo Pool has meant to people. In fact, as a writer, perhaps there is nothing more rewarding than having someone tell you what they felt or though about when they were reading your book.
Still haven't bought one? In Bangkok we are getting in almost everywhere now, except Asia Books for some reason, but B2S, Bookazine, Book Garden, and coming in this week KINOKUNIYA should have us in.
Monday, September 10, 2007
The Book Garden Release Party
Two lovely guests. Congratulations Savie, your book release will be next!
Pat and Poom are always SMILING!
Above is Nikki, Ron, and Carla, and of course Bennie the Book Garden mascot and to date my SMALLEST fan.
Left, Speedy Actor steeling the photo with those cool actor looks. I need to hang out with less attractive friends.
My over all feeling after the book launch was that of friendship. Truthfully, this book is about family and friends. There isn't a chapter in this piece that would have been possible without the support and friendship that I have enjoyed my entire life. From America to Thailand, Thailand to China, I've been blessed with some great friends and don't worry, if you weren't in this book -- YOU PROBABLY WILL BE IN THE NEXT ONE!
Friday, September 7, 2007
Safari World Bangkok
I just love a day at the zoo. Just edited these images with a bit of music and here's what we have. Enjoy the video!
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
One hour before the guests.
The Book Signing at BOOK GARDEN last week was a great success. Lots of good friends and very tasty cake and cheap wine. Over all it was a fun way to launch and hopefully bring some good luck to my new book ECHO POOL. I sort of feel like now, since people are out there reading it and sending me comments and reports of their impressions, that it is truly finished! It has been a labor of love, especially because so much of the book is autobiographical, and now I feel energized to move on to other writing projects with full focus!
I am setting up a website which will allow people to give feedback and sort of chat about the book. I'd really love for people to write in and tell me what they thought and then I'll post those comments so others can argue, disagree, or whatever...
Still haven't bought the book which is creating scandal on 2 continents? Push the button bellow and BUY NOW!
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Nikki Rock and Roll Redington rocks Bangkok
Nikki Red Hot Rock and Roll Redington! A live performance at the BOOK GARDEN on Sena here in the city of Bangkok. It was the ECHO POOL launch party and once she had sung my book's release was sort of secondary. It was awesome!
Still need ECHO POOL? Click on the button:
Monday, September 3, 2007
Giraffes Are Lady Magnets!
MAYBE IT COULD BE? WELL LADIES, write in to let me know? I'm just curious?