Nikki Red Hot Redington Rocks
Two lovely guests. Congratulations Savie, your book release will be next!

Pat and Poom are always SMILING!

Above is Nikki, Ron, and Carla, and of course Bennie the Book Garden mascot and to date my SMALLEST fan.
Left, Speedy Actor steeling the photo with those cool actor looks. I need to hang out with less attractive friends.

Two lovely guests. Congratulations Savie, your book release will be next!

Pat and Poom are always SMILING!

Above is Nikki, Ron, and Carla, and of course Bennie the Book Garden mascot and to date my SMALLEST fan.
Left, Speedy Actor steeling the photo with those cool actor looks. I need to hang out with less attractive friends.
Beneath is Austin Bush, a super talented writer and photographer who is currently working for LONELY PLANET. His photographs can be seen on his amazing website which you can click through to along the side. Austin Bush Photography along the right column. Behind us our two of my Chinese guests and former students. I'll miss them as they are heading back to China very soon.
My over all feeling after the book launch was that of friendship. Truthfully, this book is about family and friends. There isn't a chapter in this piece that would have been possible without the support and friendship that I have enjoyed my entire life. From America to Thailand, Thailand to China, I've been blessed with some great friends and don't worry, if you weren't in this book -- YOU PROBABLY WILL BE IN THE NEXT ONE!