Well far too much has been said about my dislike of one of America's staple foods, Mexican, so I think it is important that I balance this negative stuff with all of the many things that I absolutely loved about my visit to the good young USA. Yes American, you're country is hasn't broken 300 years so it should never be referred to as old. China has vases in their cupboards older than 231 years. Besides, I think it is more fun being the new kids on the block, the upstarts instead of the empire, but perceptions are only as true as those who believe them. Enough of that.
I really loved my journey to the US. Here are some photos of why. I'll start with the Nebraska leg of my trip, which was followed by a journey to Colorado's Rockies which were experiencing a spring blizzard, and of course our one night run out to Vegas.
all my girls at the Kearney art Museum
my mom and daughter and I watching a the sand hill cranes in Nebraska
Vegas strip
Nan relaxin by the pools
Biff and Lake one growing up and one growing -- well we are all getting older