Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Well let's give respect where respect is do. The English have achieved the top spot in this years WORLD university rankings. Oxford is never far from the top, but at times the upstart Americans manage to thrust either Cal. Tech. or Harvard or Yale up above the pinnacle of British education. So here is the top 10 in descending order. Oxford, Cal. Tech., Stanford, Cambridge, M.I.T., Harvard, Princeton, Imperial College of London, Swiss fed. institute of Tech. Zurich, and Berkeley in a tie with Chicago U. Notable absence is Yale and U. of Penn, who often crack this list but not this year. Notable RISE would be U.C.L.A. who are the highest I've ever seen them at 14th in the world.
Americans best bet to return to the top in 2018 would have to be Cal. Tech. as they were just edged out by their British competitor this year.
Sadly for the nation of Thailand they have only 1 school cracking the top 600 finding itself in the general ranking of 500-600 best, and this of course is MAHIDOL UNIVERSITY. It is very disappointing considering a nation as small as Singapore has 2 in the top 55. So why is a nation as wealthy and globally integrated as Thailand bragging only 1 university in the top 600? I will do a follow up article about this in the coming weeks, but congrats to Mahidol for being the top representative for the Kingdom.