Sim’s Scintillating TOP 5 Reasons Your Cat Watches
#5 Cat’s watch everything, their eyes don’t rest and you just happen to be in the way of their gaze. Don’t be a narcissist.
#4 Cat’s are ever searching for an advantage in every situation, if you are their source of food they are going to keep an eye on you.
#3 Your cat is trying to remember why they didn’t suffocate you
while you slept. Cat’s have been known to steel the breath of children and
since they may have let you get too old, it’s now the distant stare of regret
that they missed their chance.
#2 Your cat is in love with you (wink wink) as much as you are in
love with them.
#1 Your cat sees you as a furless freak of nature that lives for
the soul purpose of providing them with food, water, and to scooping that poop
out of their litter box. Wouldn’t you watch a gigantic bald creature that steels
your feces and talks to you in an inexplicable baby babble?