Tuesday, December 13, 2016

MEDITATIVE and DELICIOUS #cooking #cook #fresh #meditation #food #writing #bosssucks

A few years back I went through a rather rough break up and shift in my life. As trite as the saying may be, 'When one door closes another one opens,' certainly was proven true for me. I guess there was no direct correlation here, as my X never cooked, but neither had I. So wanting to do a bit of hibernating and revitalizing, I began cooking.
I'm certainly not a young man, so at times new things make me sigh that old man sigh. 'HMMMM, new things...' All of my life I've been a restaurant, takeout, delivery kind of guy. Living in Thailand it's made even easier as their are food stands everywhere selling the most delicious Thai cuisine for less than a meal at Mcdonalds. (So I'm told I'm actually allergic to Mcdonalds so I'm not sure.)
So why cooking? Well I think it began out of boredom or laziness to head out to the street and find some food. Then it became a health quest.
Cooking has become, as now I probably cook about 50% of my meals, a way for me to calm down and focus on something vital but unimportant. Vital because, 'hey we got to eat' but unimportant because I'm the one eating it so if my playful experiment in the culinary arts fails in taste quality, well it's still food. And since it's just for me I've made the conscious decision to make it healthy. Raw vegetables, no meat, lots of throw in goodies like wheat germ or flax seeds, and just in general foods that make me have more energy and feel better following the meal.
If you're still not sure if you should try it, think of this. If you have a boss or coworker who is driving you crazy in their quest for ultimate office power. Mushrooms look a lot like these pencil necks and slicing the head off of a mushroom stem can be a surrogate for doing it for real. I mean after all, if they are making you miserable, chances are they ARE MISERABLE. So don't do anything stupid, get it out of your system vicariously through vegetables.