My first crush has passed away. It is a sad day on Earth and every
galaxy between ours and those far far away.
As a boy of 9 watching the original star wars after
waiting in line for hours to get tickets, the entire experience was an amazing
memory. I was, like millions of fans around the world, immediately enraptured
by this vibrant sarcastic princess the moment Carrie Fisher blasted her way
into a trash dump. Seeing her come back to the Star Wars franchise and be so
powerful on screen as a mature actress was a delight, but sadly we won't be
able to see her work continue. The rumor is she had already finished shooting
her scenes for the upcoming film, so there will be a bittersweet feeling to
watching this. But of course it will be a STAR WARS must see. Rest in Peace
Princess Leia. #forcebewithyou Princess LEIA is gone